
Jobs in PT. Bank Riau Kepri Siak July 2017

Jobs in PT. Bank Riau Kepri Siak July 2017 - In order to accelerate the achievement of credit disbursement targets and to maintain the smooth operation of PT. Bank Riau Kepri HR management division will undertake recruitment of non-permanent employees for the network of Siak Sri Indrapura branch office with the following formation:

1. Relation Officer
For Placements:

  • KCP Kandis
  • KCK Lubuk Dalam
  • KCP Perawang
  • Kedai Sabak Auh

2. Teller
For Placement KCP Lubuk Dalam

The requirements and procedures for registration of recruitment are done through E-Recruitment application which can be accessed on "CAREER" menu at BANK RIAU KEPRI website www.bankriaukepri.co.id.

- This vacancy is open until July 9, 2017.
- The only processed application registered in the E-Recruitment application.

PT. Bank Riau Kepri
Human Resource Management Division

Published on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017.
Merman Gian
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